Saturday, May 16, 2009

Crossfit Southwest Regionals 2009

playground_crossfitregionals2009.pngJust for fun, I packed up the weekend of May 2-3, 2009 and drove down to Fort Worth, TX for the Crossfit Southwest Regionals 2009 aka Hell's Half Acre.

For those of you who have never seen a Crossfit workout, it's a combination of gymnastics, Olympic weightlifting, and sprint type exercises all combined with a functional approach and timed. You compete against each other in the gym for time.

I have done some work with one of the local Crossfit centers here in Tulsa, Next Generation Crossfit, and Eric and Luila Barber, the owners, invited me down to watch the eric_pullups_crossfitregionals2009.pngcompetition...and, I think secretly for me to tape them up or adjust them as needed :)

The competition was just crazy fun. The sky had opened up and was dumping rain. This was the same weekend that the Dallas Cowboys' practice bubble blew down from a microburst. Competitors were soaked and pumping out reps. People literally left flesh behind on the bars from trying to tape and stay on.

group_crossfitregionals2009.png I got a chance to try out my new Osprey bag as a Kinesio Taping supply bag. It worked great. I also had the chance to meet some of the people from Trigger Point Therapy and Airrosti Rehab. It was great talking to them, but I'll keep my foam rollers and tennis balls for home myofascial and trigger point work for patients and keep my Therapy Edge and Vibrocussor for in-office myofascial work because they work even better than my thumbs. Anyone who has performed a lot of ART then Graston will know what I'm talking about.eric_mike_crossfitregionals2009.png

After this intense weekend, I realize I need to work out more!

Michael K. Van Antwerp, DC, CPed, CCSP

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